Dr. Hazem Torki, BDS, MSc
In the past decade, efforts have been made to find the best treatment for immediate implant placement and with extraction sockets. Many protocols have been proposed such as ridge preservation, custom healing abutments and immediate loading. These protocols involve multiple steps and a waste of material. In this presentation, we will talk about methods to overcome these problems and minimize treatment time with digital solutions based on biology.
We will be talking about factors that should be taken into consideration, from implant-abutment design to the design of the final prosthetic abutment.
Upon completion of this presentation, participants should be able to:
1) Describe the role of biological principles in abutment selection
2) Explain the implant-abutment junction and its role in marginal bone stability
3) Evaluate different methods for immediate temporization
This webinar is COMPLIMENTARY to AO members & Non-members
Please contact Kim Scroggs at the AO Department of Education at (847) 439-1919 if you have any questions or issues regarding this event.
The Academy of Osseointegration (AO) is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. AO designates this activity for 1.0 continuing education credits. Credit is awarded and based on the actual number of contact hours. Educational method used was lecture and electronically mediated learning format. The current term of acceptance extends from 5/5/2022 -12/31/2026.
The formal continuing education programs for the Academy of Osseointegration is accepted by the Academy of General Dentistry (Recognition #145608) for Fellowship/Mastership Credit.
The Academy of Osseointegration is also a recognized continuing education provider for the Dental Board of California (RP 3090).
In the past decade, efforts have been made to find the best treatment for immediate implant placement and with extraction sockets. Many protocols have been proposed such as ridge preservation, custom healing abutments and immediate loading. These protocols involve multiple steps and a waste of material. In this presentation, we will talk about methods to overcome these problems and minimize treatment time with digital solutions based on biology.
We will be talking about factors that should be taken into consideration, from implant-abutment design to the design of the final prosthetic abutment.
Upon completion of this presentation, participants should be able to:
1) Describe the role of biological principles in abutment selection
2) Explain the implant-abutment junction and its role in marginal bone stability
3) Evaluate different methods for immediate temporization
This webinar is COMPLIMENTARY to AO members & Non-members
Please contact Kim Scroggs at the AO Department of Education at (847) 439-1919 if you have any questions or issues regarding this event.
The Academy of Osseointegration (AO) is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. AO designates this activity for 1.0 continuing education credits. Credit is awarded and based on the actual number of contact hours. Educational method used was lecture and electronically mediated learning format. The current term of acceptance extends from 5/5/2022 -12/31/2026.
The formal continuing education programs for the Academy of Osseointegration is accepted by the Academy of General Dentistry (Recognition #145608) for Fellowship/Mastership Credit.
The Academy of Osseointegration is also a recognized continuing education provider for the Dental Board of California (RP 3090).
More About This Course
Dr. Hazem Torki, BDS, MSc
Dr. Torki always wanted to follow his father’s footsteps in the education path, believing that knowledge is gained to be given. In 2011, he started his University teaching career at Misr International university as a clinician where he was then appointed as a clinical instructor. During this time at MIU he was one of the key staff members that helped in establishing a strong foundation for implant education. In 2014, Dr. Torki was appointed as a program director for Msc and Phd students at Cairo University. Where he restricted his University teaching career since 2016 at this prestigious entity.
Dr. Torki always wanted to follow his father’s footsteps in the education path, believing that knowledge is gained to be given. In 2011, he started his University teaching career at Misr International university as a clinician where he was then appointed as a clinical instructor. During this time at MIU he was one of the key staff members that helped in establishing a strong foundation for implant education. In 2014, Dr. Torki was appointed as a program director for Msc and Phd students at Cairo University. Where he restricted his University teaching career since 2016 at this prestigious entity.
Dr. Torki has indicated he does not have any relevant financial relationships.
Academy of Osseointegration Webinars
All live, recent and archived webinar presentations are COMPLIMENTARY as a member benefit to all active AO members. Not an AO member? Click this link (https://osseo.org/become-a-member/) to review the benefits of membership and to apply.

Convenient online education and interactive knowledge sharing
During the live webinar, registrants will be able to listen to the lecture, view the presentation slides and submit questions to the presenter. Following the lecture, you will be able to submit questions for the presenter to answer live. Following the presentation, you will be asked to submit an evaluation, complete a short quiz on the presentation and request your CE Letter of Verification.
All upcoming and previously recorded webinars are COMPLIMENTARY to AO members. Non-members may purchase access for $50 per webinar.
If you have questions regarding the online courses which the AO provides, please contact Kim Scroggs, Monday – Friday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CST at 847-725-2288 or [email protected].
This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (ADA CERP).
The Academy of Osseointegration designates this activity for 1 hour of ADA CERP credit.
The Academy of Osseointegration is the sole provider of continuing education and is responsible for the program content and faculty selection. The Academy assures that all continuing education presentations are independent of commercial influences. In addition, the Academy of Osseointegration ensures that the scientific basis for clinical and technical CE content is presented in each course through a peer-review process. Speakers are also required to provide an assessment of the benefits and risks associated with any clinical recommendations or treatment options presented.
Target Audience
This program is targeted toward everyone who has an interest in implant therapy. This includes students in training programs; dentists with limited experience and specialists with extensive training in implant dentistry; auxiliary staff, including hygienists, assistants and laboratory personnel. The educational method for this program is lecture and self-mediated learning.
Academy of Osseointegration’s Webinar Center
Immediate Loading:
The Bio-Digital Approach
The Bio-Digital Approach